Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Weekend Recap: Kiawah Island

After this weekend I feel like I am the walking example that "a bad (weathered) day at the beach will always beat a good day at work." Though we came face to face with Tropical Storm Bonnie this past weekend during our family vacation/celebration of my mom's 60th birthday at The Sanctuary, we made the most of the days despite the damp weather. 

Right when we pulled up on Friday afternoon, the first thing Hayden and I did was change into our bathing suits to meet my brother, his family, and my parents at the pool. It was the only time there was true sun shining so we wasted no time soaking up as much as we could before dinner!

We wined and dined at Jasmine Porch that night and indulged in the most delicious cocktail I have ever had. It was a mango margarita that was on special using the finest patron. They hosted an event and were trying to rid of the excess liquor - needless to say, my family was happy to help. 

Saturday was rainy - so much so that we barely got any time on the beach. Instead, we spent our time enjoying the most delicious breakfast buffet, spent time under the covered bar by the pool, & made our way to the Freshfields Village to explore the cutest shops. 

Saturday night was spent at the weekly Mingo Point Oyster Roast and BBQ. It was POURING, harder than I have ever seen it rain, but was so happy my family toughed out the storm and didn't let it get in the way of our plans. The oyster roast was delicious and served everything from oysters to BBQ, to corn on the cobb to banana pudding. The live music on the steel drums were so fun and made for great dancing. Holland & Hensley got their hair braided, picked out a few tattoos, and colored backpacks handed to them at the door. If this was a fun night in the rain, I can't imagine how fun it would be in beautiful weather. 

Sunday's weather luckily held out a little bit better. It ranged from overcast to misty to downright raining. Yet again, we made the most of the opportunities we had and spent the morning snuggled up on the beach under towels & umbrellas. After the rain rolled in, we checked out The Sanctuary's indoor pool for a while and topped off the day with an 8 mile bike ride to the end of the island that houses the famous Ocean Course & it's clubhouse. 

Sunday night we cleaned up and headed off Kiawah to Seabrook island to Lokal. We were so thankful that the rain had started to clear that we ate outside & enjoyed the boats docked beside the restaurant. Holland & Hensley loved being able to run around, we loved the weather and delicious food - it was a win, win!

Monday morning, we snuggled up again on the beach to enjoy the last sounds of the sea before heading back to reality. On the way out, we stopped at Cherrywood BBQ Ale House. It was recommended to us if we wanted to see Kiawah's famous Alligators and it didn't disappoint! There were four gators sunbathing when we got there, unfortunately my first inclination was to snapchat the massive creatures rather than snap an actual picture. We enjoyed watching their every move over the most delicious nachos EVER. 

Kiawah was the perfect vacation. Even though it rained, I can honestly say I was so happy to have been surrounded by the positive attitudes of my family. The Sanctuary was the nicest hotel I have ever stayed, the food was delectable (the breakfast was indescribable), and the service couldn't have been better. Even though my expectations were high, this weekend did not disappoint and as you can probably tell, is hard to even put into words. I am so thankful to have a family that makes weekends like this so much fun and parents who are willing to share their vacations with us!

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